
2012-09-20  点击:[]






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美国科学研究出版社(Scientific Research Publishing,SPR)主要从事学术会议和出版物的服务。它也致力于专业期刊的促进工作。该公司以其出色的团队及广泛的第三方关系使其出版物为用户带来了极大地满足和方便。

科研出版社作为开放读�。∣pen Access )的先行者之一,目前总共有 180   多种期刊及配套的电子版本,内容涵盖物理、化学、医学、生物、数学、通信、计算机、电力、能源、工程等领域,已出版文章超过10000篇,多个期刊已被CAS, EBSCO, CAB Abstracts, ProQuest, IndexCopernicus, Library of Congress, Gale, CSP等数据库全文或摘要收录。



SRP(Scientific Research Publishing: http://www.scirp.org/journal/Index.aspx
Scientific Research Publishing (SRP: www.scirp.org ) is engaged in the service of academic conferences and publications. It also devotes to the promotion of professional journals. The company has an outstanding work team as well as the widespread third party relations, enables our customers to obtain great satisfactions and convenience in their publications.
美国科研出版社(Scientific Research Publishing: SRP), 致力于国际学术会议论文集的出版和检索,也从事专业学术期刊的出版发行,促进学术交流和知识的传播。我们拥有出色的工作团队和优质的国际合作伙伴,愿意与有兴趣的科研院所及个人展开论文集出版检索和杂志的出版发行,并帮助其进入 Ei/ISTP 检索。
JBiSE: Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering
ISSN: 1937-6871 (Print)
ISSN: 1937-688X (Online)
Email: jbise@scirp.org
JBiSE, publishes research and review articles in all important aspects of biology, medicine, engineering, and their intersection. Both experimental and theoretical papers are acceptable provided they report important findings, novel insights, or useful techniques in these areas. All manuscripts must be prepared in English, and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed in hard copy. The journal publishes the highest quality, original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Bioelectrical and neural engineering
Biomedical modeling
Biomedical imaging, image processing, visualization and biomedical optics
Clinical engineering, wearable and real-time health monitoring systems
Biomechanics and biotransport
Software, tools and application note in medical engineering
Physiological signal processing
Biomedical devices, sensors, artificial organs, and nano technologies
NMR/CT/ECG technologies and electromagnetic field simulation
Structure-based drug design
Software, tools and application note in medical engineering
JBiSE (《生物医学工程》)反映生物学,医学工程,以及这些学科相互交叉领域等重要方面的最新研究进展,领域包括:生物电子与神经工程、生物信息学、生物医学建模、生物医学成像、图像处理、可视化与生物医药光学、临床工程、穿戴式实时健康监控系统、生物力学与生物动力学、医药工程中的软件、工具及应用注释等等。
IJCNS: International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences
ISSN: 1913-3715 (Print)
ISSN: 1913-3723 (Online)
Email: ijcns@scirp.org
IJCNS is an international refereed journal dedicated to the latest advancement of communications and network technologies. The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the state-of-the-art research and promote the research work in these fast moving areas. The journal publishes the highest quality, original papers included but not limited to the fields:
MIMO and OFDM technologies
UWB technologies
Wave propagation and antenna design
Signal processing and channel modeling
Coding, detection and modulation
3G and 4G technologies
Sensor networks
Ad Hoc and mesh networks
Network protocol, QoS and congestion control
Efficient MAC and resource management protocols
Simulation and optimization tools
Network security
IJCNS (《通信、网络与系统科学国际期刊》)反映通信与网络科技最新发展,包括但不限于下列领域: MIMO、 OFDM、 UWB 、波传播与天线设计、信号处理与信道建模、编码、调变、侦测、 3G与 4G 、传感器网络、Ad Hoc 与网状网络、网络协议、QoS 与拥塞控制、网络安全等。
JSSM: Journal of Service Science and Management
ISSN: 1940-9893 (Print)
ISSN: 1940-9907 (Online)
Email: jssm@scirp.org
The journal publishes the highest quality, original papers included but not limited to the fields:
Service Science
Business Intelligence
Operational Research
Computational Economics
Financial Engineering
Decision Support System
Business Process Re-engineering
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Risk Management
Quality Management
Project Management
Supply Chain Management
Software Engineering Management
Environment and Energy Management
Knowledge Management and Semantic Web
Information System Management
Customer Capital Management
Human Resources Management
JSSM (《服务科学与管理》)是致力于全球经济,企业和管理技术服务创新的专业杂志,领域包括:服务科学、商业智能、运筹学、计算经济学、金融工程、决策支持系统、业务过程的再造工程、数据挖掘与知识发现、创业与创新、风险管理、质量管理、工程管理、供应链管理、软件工程管理、环境与能源管理、知识管理与语义网、信息系统管理、客户资金管理、人力资源管理等等。
JEMAA: Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Application
ISSN: 1942-0730 (Print)
ISSN: 1942-0749 (Online)
Email: jemaa@scirp.org
JEMAA publishes four categories of original technical reports: papers, communications, reviews, and discussions. Papers are well-documented final reports of research projects. Communications are shorter and contain noteworthy items of technical interest or ideas required rapid publication. Reviews are synoptic papers on a subject of general interest, with ample literature references, and written for readers with widely varying background. Discussions on published reports, with author rebuttals, form the fourth category of JEMAA publications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Electromagnetic Numerical Analysis
Multiphysics Coupled Problems
Moving Conductor Eddy Current Problems
Electromagnetic Inverse Problems
Electromagnetic Structure Optimization
Static Fields
Quasi- Static Fields
Eddy Current Problems
Test Electromagnetic Analysis Method (TEAM) Workshop Benchmark Problems
Electromagnetic Devices
Electromagnetic Launch
Electrical Machine
Electromagnetic breaker
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Electromagnetic Nondestructive Testing
Electromagnetic Material Modelling
JEMAA (《电磁分析与应用》)是致力于电磁分析和研究领域的专业杂志,领域包括:电磁场数值分析、多物理场耦合问题、动导体涡流、电磁反向问题、电磁最优化设计、静态磁场、准静态磁场分析、国际电磁测试分析方法基准问题等等。
WSN: Wireless Sensor Network
ISSN: 1945-3078 (Print)
ISSN: 1945-3086 (Online)
Email: wsn@scirp.org
WSN is an international refereed journal dedicated to the latest advancement of wireless sensor network and applications. The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the state-of-the-art research and promote the research work in the areas. This journal invites original research and review papers that address the following issues in wireless sensor networks. Topics of interest are (but not limited to):
Network architecture and protocols
Software platforms and development tools
Self-organization and synchronization
Routing and data dissemination
Quality of Service
Energy Conservation and Management
Data processing, storage and management
Security and privacy
Network planning, provisioning, and deployment
Developments and applications
Integration with other system
Network Simulation and Platforms
WSN (《无线传感器网络国际期刊》)反映无线传感器网络科技最新发展,包括但不限于下列领域:网络架构与协议、软件开发工具与平台、自组织网同步技术、路由选择和数据广播、 QoS 、能量守恒与管理、数据处理、储存与管理、安全与保密、网络规划、网络提供与应用、网络系统整合、网络模拟平台。
JSEA: Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
ISSN: 1945-3116 (Print)
ISSN: 1945-3124 (Online)
Email: jsea@scirp.org
JSEA is a professional journal in the field of software engineering and application. The goal of this journal is to provide an international platform for engineers and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and development in the field of software engineering. It is an archival publication to disseminate the results of fundamental and applied research, especially those relevant to software engineering. This journal aims to encourage deeper understanding and greater effectiveness in the theory analysis and engineering application relevant to software engineering fields.
Applications and Case Studies
Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Software Engineering
Automated Software Design and Synthesis
Automated Software Specification
Component-Based Software Engineering
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Software Design Methods
Formal Methods
Human-Computer Interaction
Internet and Information Systems Development
Knowledge Acquisition
Multimedia and Hypermedia in Software Engineering
Object-Oriented Technology
Patterns and Frameworks
Process and Workflow Management
Programming Languages and Software Engineering
Program Understanding Issues
Reflection and Metadata Approaches
Reliability and Fault Tolerance
Requirements Engineering
Reverse Engineering
Security and Privacy
Software Architecture
Software Domain Modeling and Meta-Modeling
Software Engineering Decision Support
Software Engineering Education
Software Maintenance and Evolution
Software Process Modeling
Software Quality
Software Reuse
Software Testing
System Applications and Experience
Tutoring, Help, Documentation Systems
JSEA (《软件工程和应用》)是致力于软件工程和应用的专业国际杂志 , 领域包括:软件应用与案例分析、软件工程人工智能方法、自动化软件设计、组件式软件工程、计算机支持协同工作、软件设计方法、软件工程形式化方法、人机交互、因特网与信息系统开发、软件工程知识获取、软件工程的多媒体与超媒体、面向对象技术、软件工程架 构与模式、软件容错设计、隐私与安全、软件测试等等。
JWARP: Journal of Water Resource and Protection
ISSN: 1945-3094 (Print)
ISSN: 1945-3108 (Online)
Email: jwarp@scirp.org
JWARP is an international refereed journal dedicated to the latest advancement of water resource and protection. The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the state-of-the-art research and promote the research work in these fast moving areas.
Water resources and quality assessment
Rivers, lakes and estuary systems
Wastewater treatment and sludge biotreatment
Water purification and water supply
Water source protection and sustainable use
Modeling, measuring and prediction of water pollution
Ground water pollution control
Reactions and degradation of wastewater contaminants
Other topics about water pollution
JWARP(《水资源与保护国际期刊》 ) 反映水资源与保护最新进展,领域包括:水资源与质量评估、河流、湖泊及河口体系、废水处理、污泥生物处理、水的纯化与给排水、水资源保护与持续利用、水污染建模、测量与预测、地下水污染控制、废水污染物化学反应与降解等。